Monday, December 19, 2011

Winnie the Whiner!

Whether it be an anxiety issue, a lack of confidence, or she just likes to hear her own noises, Winnie whines - a lot!

She whines (a bit, before settling) in her crate. She whines when she's not in her crate. She whines when you're not paying attention to her. She whines when you snuggle her. She whines when she's eating. She even whines in her sleep ♥

So what do we do about this? How do we curb this behaviour (as endearing as it may sound)?

Ignore it!

One of the worst things you can do to a dog is to ignore her. Dogs are extremely social and they want to please you! So, when you ignore unwanted behaviour (whether it be whining or jumping up) you are essentially doling out a punishment.

When Winnie whines, she doesn't get any attention. We don't talk to her or even look at her. When she's quiet, she gets bits of cookie tossed her way.

Already she is settling more quickly and being less noisy. It doesn't take long for the association to click for the dog.

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